Saturday, December 28, 2019

Works Out for Summer

Works Out for SummerWorks Out for SummerWorks Out for Summer58% of workers save vacation time for the summer months (June, July, August).Cities with the most workers planning on taking summer vacations1. Los Angeles 74%2. New York (tie) 71%2. Detroit (tie) 71%3. Miami 69%Cities with fewest workers planning on taking summer vacations1. Phoenix 44%2. Tampa 46%3. Nashville 48%Workers plan on taking an average of 10 vacation days this summer.Number of vacation days employees plan to take*Total Gender Male Gender Female Age 18-34Age 35-54Age 55+0 days 8%6%10% 6% 8% 13% 1-5 days31%28%34%37%30%27% 6-10 days29%28%30%26%31%29% 11-15 days16% 19%14%16%16%17% 16-20 days 6% 8% 5% 7% 6% 4% 21+ days 9%12% 7% 9% 9%10%Some responses do not total 100 percent due to rounding.

Monday, December 23, 2019

How to Come Back From Vacation and Not Want to Die - The Muse

How to Come Back From Vacation and Not Want to Die - The MuseHow to Come Back From Vacation and Not Want to Die Ive just come back from a month in Portland, Oregon, and let me tell you, leaving the 80-degree heat, clear blue skies, friendly smiles, delicious food, and big welcomes and coming home to the beautiful laughable English weather, crappy service, bad attitudes, and indifferent shrugs has been quite the challenge.You may be just about to go away (you lucky thing), or you may be about to return home. Either way, if you want to come back from vacation to real life without wanting to throw yourself under a bus, here are some ideas.Clean Before You GoYou know how you step back through your office door after vacation and the place looks a little weird? You think, Geez, is this what it really looks like? That sense of seeing your place with fresh eyes becomes a pretty horrible experience when you come back to find it in a real mess. Piles of folders, mail spilling out of your inbox , last weeks four used coffee cups, and who knows what in that bowl you forgot to wash.I think better in a clean space, so coming home to organization rather than chaos helps my thinking right from the start. Giving your workspace a once-over before you leave makes sure you can ease into a pleasant environment when you return.Remember Resistance is FutileThe worst thing you can do is to resist your circumstances when you return home. Im not suggesting that you pretend everythings peachy and perfect, but flapping your wings against the bars of an imaginary cage isnt going to get you far. The only cage is the one you perceive in your head, and resisting, struggling, and fighting against where you are is only going to make you feel worse and make that feel mora real. In fact, its only by engaging with your environment that you get to enjoy it. So when you find yourself resisting work, meetings, or even heading to the office in the morning, make a conscious choice to throw yourself back in the game.Find the FunWork, bills, squabbles, pressure, and routine. None of that sounds like a heap of fun, does it? Theres sometimes the sense that when you get home from vacation, the fun ends and you have to buckle back down to life and work. But to hell with that.Take a new class, get involved in a new project, make a new friend, head to a new spot on the weekend, laugh with your colleagues. Go where the fun is. It might even be better than your vacation.Keep in TouchWhen you visit friends on vacation, everyone says that theyll have to keep in touch and that they have to do it more often, but then life gets in the way and that intention fizzles out. But if youve been visiting with friends and had a ball, it doesnt take a lot of effort to stay in touch. Before you leave, get a Skype call on the calendar for every couple of months to catch up, laugh, and swap stories. Itll keep that sense of energy going.Change Things UpRoutine is familiar, safe, and comforting, but its also d ull as dishwater sometimes. There might once have been good reason why you do things a certain way (the route you take to work, where you get lunch, who you talk with in the office, even how you get ready in the mornings), but thats no reason why they have to stay that way.So how can you change things up? Maybe take a new route to work, listen to an audiobook instead of the radio, set your alarm 15 minutes earlier to stretch or meditate, go talk with a colleague instead of emailing, or look for a new way to manage your to-do list. Changing things up is how you keep things fresh.Chuck it OutIve emptied two chests of drawers, cleared out my desk, and binned most of the contents of my spare room since I got back home. All that stuff thats accumulated over the last 15 years that I thought might come in handy one day? Gone.Theres something liberating about chucking out old stuff that youll never need (and feel free to donate the good stuff or make a few extra bucks from eBay). It not onl y clears physical space that makes it easier to move and breathe, but getting rid of old baggage can free you up emotionally, too.Remember How You WereYou felt pretty good on vacation, right? At ease. Free. Like you could just be you. Perhaps you felt like things were flowing, like you were slap-bang in the middle of a moment, and that was all you needed. Maybe you felt like the person youd love to be more often- peaceful, buzzing, or alive.How you are on vacation is typically how you are when youre at your best. You let go of all the stuff that doesnt matter and just are. The good news is, you can do that whenever and wherever- it just takes a little letting go.Try it this week at work. You might be surprised.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

5 Job Interview Questions You Never Have to Answer and Heres Why

5 Job Interview Questions You Never Have to Answer and Heres Why5 Job Interview Questions You Never Have to Answer - and Heres Why Despite your best efforts, you can never predict exactly whats going to happen during a job einstellungsgesprch . Sometimes a hiring manager asks a question that completely stumps you.Other times, an interviewer crossesthe line , whether they mean to or bedrngnis. Not only are some questions inappropriate for a job interview - some are actuallyillegal.Here are five illegal interview questions you should never have to answer - and some tips on how to respond if an interviewer asks them anyway.Job interviewers are welcome to dig into your work experience and education, but they shouldnt ask about your age. It is a seemingly innocent question, but employers are prohibited from asking it, said human resources expertsPinar Ozcelik and Cameron Atkinson from .Plus, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 protects workers over the age of 40. Nobodycan be rejected from a role for simply being too old, said HR consultant StevePritchard of . If the skills are there, they deserve the saatkorn opportunity as people younger than them, and must be judged on the same merits, regardless of age.Chances are, an employer wont ask you this question point blank. But they could go about it in a subtle way, like asking when you graduated from high school or college. If you sense an interviewer is trying to root out your age, steer the conversation back toward your relevant skills and experiences.You can refuse to answer the question, said Ozcelik and Atkinson. Or make a joke out of it by saying My age is a secret, but I am old enough to work for you. Remember that you have no obligation to provide any information that could reflect your age.2. Do you have kids, or are you planning to?Over 75 percent of senior-level women in tech areasked about kids, family, or marriage, accordingto the Elephant i n the Valley survey . Inappropriate questionsabout family life and plans especially affect women. Employers could turn down an applicant they expect to take maternity leave in the future.Employers might also assume someone with a family needs extra time off or cant keep regular hours. If work schedule is a concern, an interviewer can ask about your time commitment or ability to travel. But personal questions about kids or family are off the table.Valerie Streif, a senior advisor at The Mentat , said hiring managers might seek this information in subtle ways. Do you ever get overwhelmed? is a sneaky question, said Streif. It could be a way for them to figure out if you are good with time management, or it could be more malicious to obtain personal information about what you have going on outside the office.So, how can you respond if you get illegal interview questions like these and still want the job? Jennine Leale, CEO of HR Pro ConsultingServices ,suggested telling the interview er itisnt a concern and wont interfere with yourability to do the job.Even if you know fully well you may get pregnant, are pregnant, have children its none of their business, said Leale. You are protected by law.Inquiring aboutyour relationshipstatus is another job interview no-no. Interviewers may ask about your personal life as a way to get to know you. But they could also be making assumptions about your level of commitment to the job. Worst case scenario, someone could use this intel to discriminate against your sexual orientation.Its a red flag if the interviewer asks what your significant otherthinks of you taking on a job, said Streif. This is illegal and shows they are trying to fish to see if you have a family or are married, but it can appear subtle, so sometimes interviewers get away with it, she said.If you sense an interviewer is veering into overly personal territory, steer the conversation back to the jobat hand.4. What country are you or your parents from?Questions about national origin, race, or ethnicity are another problemapplicants face. Althoughan employer can ask if youre a U.S. citizen, they shouldnt pry into where exactly you or your ancestors are from.Questions about your country of origin are off limits during job interviews, said Ozcelik and Atkinson. Your best answer for any of these questions if you do not feel comfortable answering them is Yes, I am legally authorized to work in the United States. This answer is respectful while still firmly asserting your legal rights.If youre worried about these typesof illegal interview questions, another potential response is to talk about where youre currently living. Or, you could honestly tell the interviewer youre not comfortable with the question . A competent interviewerwill realize they crossed the line and reverse course.5. What was your salary in your brde job?Many employers ask about past salaries, but in some citiesand states that question is against the law. Philadelphia, New Yor k City, and Massachusetts, for instance, all bar hiring managers from asking about past salaries.These laws are a way to address the gender pay gap. The Institute for Womens Policy Research found that women earn 20 percent less than men for the same job. If employers base their salary decisions on past salaries, theyll just keep up this divide.Before heading into an interview, prepareto talk about salary expectations. Even if it isnt against the law for them to ask in your state, you dont have to tell them (and most times its in your best interest not to tell them). Instead, talk about the value youll bring to the position theyre interviewing you for, and what thats worth. Discuss your expected salary, not your current or past.Know your rights during a job interviewAlthoughyou might have to answer a lotof questions during an interview, there are some that should nevercome up. Generally speaking, you shouldnt have to speak on any of the following topicsSome hiring managersmight not realize theyre asking illegal interview questions. Gauging for culture fit, for instance, can cause some interviewers to pry too much into someones personal life.Whether the interviewer intends to discriminate or not, these are illegal questions to ask in an interview according to federal and state law.Under Title VII of the Federal Civil Rights Act, it is unlawful for an employer to discriminate against any individual because of such individuals race, color, religion, sex or national origin, said Robert Odell , an employment lawyer in Los Angeles.How to handle inappropriate or illegal interview questionsUnfortunately, you might find yourself in an uncomfortable situation during a job interview. Some interviewers might disregard these anti-discrimination rules. Others might simply be unaware of illegal questions to ask in an interview. Some could just be making small talk without realizing the error of their ways.If you still really want the job, you could simply say the question d oesnt affect your commitment to the position. Or, you could say you dont feel comfortable sharing that part of your identity, but youre happy to talk about other relevant experiences .If an interviewer goes overboard, you could choose to take legal recourse. To proceed, contact a lawyer or your local Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) office. Theyll instruct you on filinga claim with the EEOC.By knowing your rights as an applicant, you can prepare to handle any illegal interview questions that come your way.This article was originally published by Student Loan Hero . Reprinted with permission.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Hottest Summer Jobs for 2015

The Hottest Summer Jobs for 2015The Hottest Summer Jobs for 2015This list is built for tennagers and university students, who are willing to sacrifice their summer holiday in order to save some money and learn new, useful skills. These are our tips for best summer jobs. Pay is based on average american pay in the certain fields.SalesPay $11-$13/hourSales will give you important skills that you can apply later in your career. Working in a store during a summer holiday may bedrngnis be the most attractive image, but you will learn to work with money without errors. Sales job can be the reason they will hire you to your future jobCamp CounselorPay $60-$90/weekEnjoy the nature and mentor younger teens. Teach them new skills and improve yourself in leadership. If you are a teen, this job will help you to become more independent, since you will spend some time out of your home. You will spend a lot of time outdoors and will get paid well.Waiter$9-$12/hourThis job is physically difficult. I t requires you to walk all day long. If you are a foreigner your english will be improved thanks to customers. Basic pay is ok, but if you are good, tips can earn you really good money in addition.NannyPay $10-$15/hourAre you good with kids? This working position is mostly demanded during the summer, because parents want to have some time for themselves too. If you are responsible and like kids, consider this job.Article Writer$50-$100/weekYou may find some websites or newspapers, that are willing to pay you for articles. This jobs greatest benefit is, that you can do it wherever you want. Does the beach inspire you in writing? Take your laptop and enjoy your working day on the beachLifeguardPay $9-$10/hourThis is a very responsible job and it is definitely not for everyone. You should be a good swimmer and be able to make fast decisions. As a reward for a big responsibility you get beautiful working environment.Customer Service RepresentativePay $10-$15/hourYou should be communicat ive and calm at all situations. It is required to know the product really well, and be able to come with solutions quickly.Movie Theatre StaffPay $9-$12/hourThere are several job in the theatre. You can work as a ticket collector, ticket seller, cleaner etc. If you love movies and theatre environment, its possible to have a career progression in this field.Source, Forbes.comDo you like this story? Share it with your friends.Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments

Monday, December 9, 2019

Effective Techniques for Cv Format Template That You Can Begin to Use Immediately

Effective Techniques for Cv Format Template That You Can Begin to Use Immediately Building an attractive CV assists in boosting your probability of finding the job. Coordinate with workers to make sure the perfect technician is in a position to attain work site within the allotted window. Your role descriptions give a great chance to show employers how you apply your skills at work, and the impact you earn. Therefore its vital that you email your resume right. The Battle Over Cv Format Template and How to Win It Project Manager Blank Resume Templates do not will need to appear stylish but they need to appear professional. It is possible to also see Resume Templates. Resume templates can be helpful in building your resumes. The rest of the templates are readily available to Pro subscribers. Once you have decided on your perfect resume template from our selection, follow our totally free expert guidance about ways to craft the ideal modern resume. There are lots of free resum e templates readily available online but sometimes it can be very tricky to choose the best one that is most suited to you. Despite the fact that the totally free template is self-explanatory and easy to use, there are a few fundamental tips which can help you to develop a winning CV. Our creative templates let you stick out from the crowd. Cv Format Template - What Is It? Resume formats make certain that your best achievements are right there on the top, prepared to be noticed. Furthermore, you can learn more on the subject of education careers on Monster. 10 points is truly good for the principal body of your resume. You also need to mention any awards and honors you have gotten. New Step by Step Roadmap for Cv Format Template There are various approach to do a CV, but the beginning is always the exact same. Attempt to ensure it is impressive as generalized CVs are not thought to be valuable in the competitive era. Therefore, the expert CV brings an applicant to become hi red. Also, CVs and covering letters ought to be composed in your words. What Does Cv Format Template Mean? When youre asking for a job which relies on the strengths of the person, you will need a resume template which you can inject a little more personality into to make it pop. Then you ought to write about the skills you possess which will help you with many facets of the job which you are applying for. Especially if you would like your resume to keep formatting and if are asking for a creative job which requires your resume to reflect a specific skill set such as graphic design. Sometimes all you will need is a timeless style template thats clean, clear and right to the point. ATS software isnt able to read exclusive formatting. Make certain you have replaced all the information from the template with your own, personalized info. There are lots of templates existing, which means you dont need to devote your time in editing the text. Employing a resume template is now an acceptable and smart practice for numerous factors. Simply take a look at these tips and see whether theres anything youre able to use to boost your CV. So, the very first thing you are going to want to do is to check whether there are any particular guidelines concerning the format of your resume. Use various headings to show the info in your resume. Adequate spaces and spacing was pre-allocated in the sample, it is possible to easily transsumpt the appropriate information inside them. For a CV profile to work, it has to be heavily tailored towards your intended roles. It is fantastic for a wide array of professional roles, such as Solicitor, Lawyer or Legal Executive, although it might easily be adapted to the majority of positions. Its a fact that all CVs adhere to a particular standard and guidelines. Its fast and simple to use. The 30-Second Trick for Cv Format Template Since you can see, font size is crucial portion of your resume and you need to ensure that it r emains in your thoughts, when you writing your document. In the world, for any sort of job that youre searching for, you will require a CV since its the fastest way for a prospective employer to get the most suitable person for a vacant post. A template can spare you lots of time. In many other nations, a curriculum vitae is fundamentally the identical thing as a resume. For some companies, its very imperative that you give an overview of your abilities and achievements for them to establish how you would fit exactly to their objectives. A curriculum vitae, commonly referred to as a CV, is an alternate to writing a resume to submit an application for work. Separate resumes are offered for assorted disciplines. The Dirty Facts About Cv Format Template You may always copy and paste text from a PDF if you will fill in an on-line application and send your full resume in PDF file formatting later every time a hiring manager has invited you to achieve that. Professionals must t ry to find the editable file to be downloaded at no cost. Resume formats are useful tools that can be of terrific aid in making resumes.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Writing Work Experience in Resume - What Is It?

Writing Work Experience in Resume - What Is It? Whenever your work history is vast, you need to be strategic in selecting which experience ought to go on your resume. Keep this in mind while you copy the examples above. You have little if any work experience, for example in case you have recently graduated from school. Now you need to know how to compose a resume with no experience thats compelling and distinctive, ideal for a high school resume or a beginners resume for teens. The History of Writing Work Experience in Resume Refuted Now its time to produce your first resume. Which fassonat you select will depend, in part, on the form of work youve performed and whether you are likely to continue in the exact field. Its also important to think about the sort of work you genuinely wish to be hired to do. Furthermore, you can list volunteer work or community service if you werent actually employed throughout that period of time. Learning how to do a resume when do not have any work experience is quite a bit easier if youre able to demonstrate some seasonal or short-term work experience. When reading the work description included in the ad, start looking for keywords associated with your responsibilities. Focus on what you could draw from your experience for a student, volunteer or other non-salaried pursuits. Work experiences will supply the info needed by the clients with regard to the jobs that youve already done and the business that youve been involved with. In case you have any part-time work, that will go a ways towards an amazing experience section. Youve got a continuous work history in your area. One very significant part the work experience section is finding the ideal way to list your contributions to the business. As one of the fruchtwein important part of your resume, it needs to be professional and follow the same format as the rest of your resume. The Pain of Writing Work Experience in Resume It is possible to also leave work off of your resume entirely. Write down what skills you used, and the way they may relate to the job that you desire. You are asking for a job thats different from your present or most recent job. Your latest job ought to be written first and the jobs youve done beforehand follows. Writing Work Experience in Resume Options The usage of work experiences may change depending on the work history an employee or an applicant has. Its only that the principal intention of your resume is to provide the prospective employer a broader preview of your work experiences. If thats the case, your resume can nevertheless be quantified, and provide the hiring manager a concrete idea of the reach of your abilities and abilities. Each resume format can be helpful, based on your own personal circumstances. What to Expect From Writing Work Experience in Resume? Actually, you could always create a compelling and strong resume that may brandish all of your relevant skills and experience for yo u to ultimately get the job which you want. If its necessary to compose a resume with very little or no experience, dont worry If youve got minimum work experience, you may consider leading off with your education, especially if its pertinent to the position youre applying to. Youve got recent knowledge in the specialty you are searching for.